Thursday 30 July 2009

Chair Exercises

Neck Neck
1. Neck
In a seated position, straighten your back then extend your neck muscles and move them in a big circular motion.

Back & stomach Back & stomach
2. Back/Stomach
In a seated position, raise both your arms, then while lowering and raising your chin, bend your chest backwards.

Shoulders Shoulders
3. Shoulders
In a seated position, lightly bend your elbows and very smoothly, rotate your shoulders.

Arms Arms
4. Arms
In a seated position, loosen up your arms and hands, then shake, rotating from front to rear and side to side.

Chest Chest
5. Chest
In a seated position, bend your back against the chair and expand your chest upwards, then straighten out your arms downwards. After that, continue the motion by bending your upper body forwards.

Ankles Ankles
6. Ankles
In a seated position, put your feet together lightly and pull your toes towards yourself, and then release.

Knees Knees
7. Knees
While holding onto the desk with both hands, place your neck between your arms and while straightening out your back, shoulders, and waist, slowly, squeeze your body downwards. Then, continue the motion by straightening out your body and bending backwards.

Waist Waist
8. Waist
While holding onto the desk with one hand, twist your arm and waist to one direction and straighten out coming back. You should then change directions while keeping your eyes on the hand in motion.

Rejuvenation Therapy in Ayurveda

Vatatapika In the Ayurvedic text books, rejuvenation has been termed as ‘Rasayana’. A definition of Rasayana in Ayurveda is described as: “That which destroys the old age and disease is called Rasayana”. Special drugs called as ‘Rasayan’ are administered in this therapy for example ‘Chyavanprash’. According to Ayurveda, rejuvenation is taken so that you become healthy and give your services for others. It is taken so that you can explore the spiritual aspect of life and help the society, the sick, the hungry, the poor and the disabled. The Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy aims at keeping the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition. These cells are revitalized with this therapy. The tranquility of the mind is promoted and the nerves as well as bones are kept soft and soothened. This prevents the process of ageing and makes the individual free from any disease even during an advanced age.

Before starting the therapy, the following two points are to be observed
The body of the individual is cleaned of the metabolic waste products through specialized therapies indicated in the Panchakarma. If the Rasayana is taken after cleaning the toxins from the body, it gives the best results, though it can be also taken without it.
The person taking Rasayana is taught to think, speak and work in such a way which would be conducive to development of a healthy society. In fact, these conducts are given lot of importance in Ayurveda and they themselves are considered to have rejuvenating effects on the human body.

The Rasayana therapy is taken in two different ways
(Pronounced as ‘Koo–ti–praa–vey–shi–ka’) In this the person has to stay indoor while taking the rasayan. Elaborate arrangements are made for the construction of a special type of cottage where the individual is to be confined. The person has to strictly follow the diets and other instructions of the physician. He should undergo Panchkarma therapy before taking the rejuvenation. This type is, therefore, not very suitable for a person who has to carry on his profession or job.

(Pronounced as ‘Vaa–taa–ta–pi–ka’) This method is best for people who don’t have time to stay in the Ayurvedic clinic to take the first kind of rejuvenation. This type can be taken while doing your normal work. It comprises of different types of Ayurvedic herbal preparations which are taken as prescribed by the physician. These medicines should be taken at dawn on an empty stomach. It can be taken without undergoing Panchkarma therapy.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Daily Health Tips -3

Cooking Hygiene
Practice hygiene during cooking to prevent food contamination, food poisoning and transmission of disease.
Tip for Women
Women, during menstruation should use clean, soft cloth or sanitary napkins. Change the napkins atleast twice a day.
Teeth Care
Coal powder, salt, rough tooth powder, etc when used for brushing lead to scratches in the outer layer of the teeth.
Ear Tip
Wax get formed in ears and block the air way. This causes pain. Hence clean the ears once a week with cotton buds.
Babies exposed to tobacco smoke are more likely to get asthma. If a woman is exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy, her baby may also be more likely to get asthma.
Tip for Pimples
If you tend to get pimples, make it a habit to drink the water of a fresh coconut every day.
Foot Care
Don’t wear socks for over 7 hrs at a stretch, to avoid infections.
Stomach Cramp
Stay away from cola & caffeine, to avoid stomach cramp and opt for herbal tea.
Drink hot water regularly to enhance digestive power.
Sore Throat
The best thing to gargle is use distilled warm water with a teaspoon of salt. Honey can be also used as a gargling liquid to get rid of the mucus stuck in your throat.
Skin Care
Cleaning is a major part as it rids your skin of the old cells. Use a good moisturizer for skin. The number one reason behind wrinkles is sun, avoid sunlight or use sunscreen lotion.
Wrinkles Below Eyes
There are no oil glands located around the eyes. So we get wrinkles below eyes.Start applying a good moisturizer in the eye area at an early age to avoid these wrinkles.
Teeth Care
Soft and sticky foods should be avoided because they attach and get between the teeth providing a favourable place for bacteria to grow.
Sleeping Tip for Pregnant Woman
Sleep on your left side. This allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, your uterus and kidneys. It also improves circulation of blood back to the heart.
Yoga Tip
You must empty your bowels and bladder, clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus, consume a glass of lukewarm water and then begin the exercises after 15 minutes.
Remedies for Snoring
Change your sleep position. Lose 10% of your body weight to help stop snoring. Avoid alcohol and sedatives to stop snoring.
Tip for Diabetic Patients
Skip the barefoot look. Always wear shoes or slippers. Wear thicker socks to pad your feet.
Eye Care
Never use Hot Water to Wash your Eyes. Close your Eyes and Sprinkle Cold Water on your Lids.
Yoga Benefits
Regular Practice of Asanas, Pranayam and Yoga Nidra Help Prevent Disorders and Ailments such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Conditions, Asthma, Varicose Veins, Digestive Disorders, Arthritis.
Kidney Stones
Drink Lots of Water and Other Fluids, at Least Two Litres a Day, to Avoid Kidney Stones.
Floss Gums
Floss gums daily as gum disease can trigger heart disease & stroke.
Sleep More! Sleep will Speed up your Metabolism and Burn Calories.
Tea, Rich in Antioxidants, Fights against Cardiovascular Disease.
Sugar Substitutes
Sugar Substitutes are generally compounds made up of simple forms of proteins. Since it is not a sugar it is used as a sweetener by people with diabetes and is also safe during pregnancy.
Preventing Heart Disease
Eat Healthy Diet, control diabetes and blood pressure, avoid smoking. Maintain appropriate cholesterol levels.
Excessive Facial Hair
Apply a Mixture of Besan and Haldi (turmeric) with a little water, to face. When it dries, gently rub off. This will remove excessive Facial Hair.
Blackheads and Whiteheads
Blackheads and Whiteheads are caused when pores get blocked by oils, dirt etc. The only way to tackle this is by ensuring your face is clean. Wash your face regularly with a face wash suitable to your skin type.
People who Sleep Less than 8 hour a Day increase the obesity risk. So Sleep Enough which will reduce the Excessive Appetite.
Dry Foot Skin
To Avoid Dry Foot Skin, Try to always use the Foot Cream after Bathing when your Skin is Moist.
Washing Mouth
Mix Equal Parts of Salt and Baking Soda as a Mouth Wash that Sweetens the Breath.
Hair care
Cover your hair with a scarf or shawl during travel to prevent tangles and to protect your hair from dust.
Diarrhea Cure
Eat boiled sweet potatoes seasoned with salt and pepper before bedtime to cure chronic diarrhea.
Teeth care
Massage your gums with your finger tip to improve blood circulation.
Cough Control
Drink hot tea to break up the mucus and open and moisten the airways. Avoid foods that increase the production of mucus, such as dairy products, meat and fried foods.
Bedwetting prevention
Empty the bladder before bedtime. Encourage your child to get up during the night. Limit fluid before bedtime.
Weight loss tip
Drink only water – no teas, coffees, coca cola, juices etc. Water has zero calories and will help you to lose weight.
Tip for Diabetics
If you’re a diabetic, regular visits to your eye care professional are a must to prevent problems that could lead to blindness.
Caffeine and Asthma
If you feel an asthma attack coming on and don’t have your inhaler handy, try a couple cups of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or chocolate bars. The caffeine will help open your airways.
Pregnancy tip
Don’t drink more than 2 cups of coffee. Your baby may be at risk of birth defects as caffeine is a drug.
Avoid Eyestrain
Full-time computer users should take a 10 minute break every hour.
Black spots
Make a paste of saffron and add some honey, apply it on the face to remove black spots.
Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser.
Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half–a–teaspoon glycerin and half–a–teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.
Tan removal
A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
Treatments with conditioners helps to correct the effects of poor hair care. Henna is a good conditioner. Treatment with henna is good for the hair.
Don’t be lethargic! Drink more water to avoid headache & tiredness.
Curd is a good hair conditioner. Apply curd to your scalp and wash it off after 20 minutes.
Hair fall
Beat an egg and mix juice of 1 lemon and apply to the scalp. Wash it off after 20 minutes to stop hair fall.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise like jogging, swimming, cycling, running accelerates weight loss. Aerobic exercise combined with healthy eating will certainly help in weight reduction.
Healthy Teeth
Eat plenty of calcium rich food and protein as they are essential for healthy teeth.
Eye Care
Since eyes are very sensitive, buy good quality cosmetics. Never lend or use others eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara or eye shadow.
Carrots has vitamin A and is very good for the eyes. It is advisable to take carrot juice every morning on an empty stomach. It also prevents premature aging.
Skin Care
Keep your hair clean from dandruff .If you have dandruff then you will get pimples.
Garlic is a very powerful antiseptic. It helps to delay aging and restores tissue. It also reduces high blood pressure.
Foot care
Take a few minutes to massage your legs with coconut oil or olive oil everyday before bath.
Heart Disease
Lower your chance of heart disease by half! Laugh as much as you can!
Eggs help cut heart attack/stroke risk as they prevent blood clots.

Daily Health Tips - 2

Sound Sleep
Exercise 5–6 hrs before bedtime to get a good sleep.

Digestive Problem
To maintain the good digestive system & to get rid of constipation, you need to drink plenty of fluids or water.

One of the main foundations of migraine is tension/stress. Trying to live a stress free life is very important for reducing your migraine pain.

Stomach Virus
Avoid consuming alcohol, carbonated drink, coffee etc till you recover. Try to drink plenty of water or electrolyte fluids to get rid of stomach virus.

Sunstroke Tip
To lower the body temperature or get rid of scorching effects you can wrap your body with a damp towel or cloth.

Heart Attack
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, high triglycerides, obesity, irregular heartbeats etc, which in turn leads to heart attack or other heart related ailments.

Excessive Soda
Excessive soda intakes can result in your bad dental health as well as cavities, because it contains excessive acid & sugar.

Running Nose
To avoid spreading and picking up germs, wash your hands well and use tissues instead of a hankies, when you have running nose.

Nasal Congestion
Drink plenty of fluids. It keeps the lining of the nose and sinuses moist and less susceptible to infection.

Sore Throat
Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.

Tip for Pregnant Woman
Too much physically demanding work during pregnancy can contribute to problems with the pregnancy such as miscarriage, premature labour or underweight infants, especially if a woman is not eating enough.

Teeth Care
Clean the teeth at least twice a day to avoid tooth decay (cavities) and to have nice breath.

Body Care
As one reaches puberty, perspiration increases more. Bathing will keep clean and smelling nice.

Medical Hygiene
Look for the expiry date while purchasing medicines. Safe disposal of unwanted medicines is very essential. Do not take medicines without a doctor’s prescription.

Daily Health Tips

Drink Water
Drinking enough water can help boost your concentration as well as keep you from overeating. Make sure to keep hydrated as you go through your day by bringing water with you.

Get Rid of Acne
Do Not Touch Your Face. This is the most important thing you need to do if you want to get rid of acne as soon as possible.

Drink Tea to Avoid Heart Disease
Drinking tea is said to be as good as drinking plenty of water and it has a number of health benefits. Most important advantage is that having three cups of the hot beverage daily can repel heart disease.

Chocolate and Red Wine Protect Our Body from Alzheimer
According to an expert, regular intake of chocolate, fruits, vegetables, red wine and tea help you against Alzheimer’s disease.

Dont Use Microwave Ovens During Pregnancy
It is very difficult to believe but a truth that the microwave oven that you use in your kitchen could be harmful during pregnancy.

Eat Fish to Stay Away From Eye Disease
If you want to keep your eyes vision clear for long years eat fatty fish twice a week.

Benefits of Banana
1–2 bananas a day will not only help to gain weight, but will also be effective against skin rashes, digestive disorders and even asthma.

Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.

Reduce Stress
Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub, walk on the beach or in a park, read a good book, visit a friend, play with your dog, listen to soothing music, watch a funny movie). Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate.

Night Shift Problems
Women working at night are more likely to suffer from breast cancer than those who don't. If you work at night, pay particular attention to changes in your breasts.

Tip for Nose Bleeds
Stop nose bleeds by putting a few drops of pomegranate juice into your nostrils.

Drink More Tea
Try drinking more tea instead of coffee to help protect your body from damaging effects of free radicals. Tea is a rich source of antioxidants that play a big role in protecting against some cancers and cardiovascular disease.

Bedtime Tip
Avoid heavy work out just before bedtime, it makes your body alert.

First Aid Tip
Keep your first aid kit, all medications, including non–prescription drugs out of children’s reach.

Sex During Pregnancy
It is safe to have sex throughout the pregnancy, as long as the pregnancy is normal. Sex should be avoided during pregnancy if there is risk of abortion or miscarriage.

After Childbirth
In the weeks following childbirth, women should not avoid any nutritious foods. Instead, they should eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, whole grains, and beans.

When a person has a High fever, take off all covers and clothing. Let the air reach his body. This will help the fever go down.

Cabbage cuts cancer risk, especially breast, lung, colon & prostate cancers.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


Yoga is a way of life, an art of righteous living or an integrated system for the benefit of the body, mind and inner spirit. This art originated, was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago. The references to yoga are available in 'Upanishads' and 'Puranas' composed by Indian Aryans in the later Vedic and post- Vedic period. The main credit for systematizing yoga goes to Patanjali who wrote 'Yoga Sutra', two thousand Years ago. He described the principles of the full eight fold yogic discipline. He composed the treatise in brief code words known as 'Sutras'. 'Yoga Sutra' is the most important basic text on Yoga. It is through this basic treatise that the essential message of yoga spread throughout the world.

Monday 27 July 2009


'Health is purity and disease is impurity
So purification is the treatment.’ (old Indian saying)

Purification therapy is a unique feature of Ayurveda by which the complete cure and non recurrence of disease is made possible.
The functional components (doshas, namely vatha, pitha & kapha ) move all around the body through the channels of circulation to do the normal physiological activities. The disease is the result of imbalance in the quantity and quality of the doshas. During the disease process, the unbalanced doshas get lodged in the weak parts of the channels of circulation and produce the disease symptoms. If the channels of circulation are pure and healthy, even the aggravated doshas cannot locate anywhere and produce disease
Ayurveda offers two measures in the management of a disease :

1. Pacifying therapy
:- in which the unbalanced doshas are pacified with in the body itself. As this therapy don’t cleanse the channels of circulation, there is the possibility of reprovocation when exposed to similar causative factors.This therapy is suited in conditions in which there is not much vitiation of the doshas.

2. Purification therapy :- It is aimed at the complete expulsion of the unbalanced doshas and the purification of the channels of circulation. As the channels are cleansed and strengthened by this process, the chance of recurrence is nil.

Purification therapy can be implemented not only for curing diseases but to maintain health. No other systems of medicine can offer such an effective treatment measure. So we can proudly declare our superiority of Ayurveda to any other systems on account of its purification therapy.
The purification otherwise called 'Pancha karma therapy' is implemented in five ways.

1. Enema therapy :- It is best for vatha imbalance.
2. Purgation therapy :- Best for pitha imbalance.
3. Emesis therapy :- For kapha imbalance.
4. Nasal drops :- For all diseases above the neck.
5. Blood letting :- Best for removing blood impurities.

Stages of the treatment

First stage :- This includes the external and internal application oils followed with fomentation or sudation. By this the unbalanced doshas lodged in the weak parts of the channels are liquified and loosened.
Main or second stage :- In this stage the loosened and liquified doshas are expelled out of the body by the appropriate purifactory procedure.
Post therapy :- This includes the regimens to be practised after the purification. This is mainly intended to augment the digestive fire.

Contact us to experience the beneficial effects of the Ayurvedic purification therapy.

Health Promotion and Preventive care

Ayurveda proposes three stages in the quest for good health: daily routine and seasonal activities to prevent illness, purification therapy and medications for diseases and rejuvenation of the system to enhance health and quality of life.
Ayurvedic preventive medicine is called Svasthavrtta 'establishing oneself in good habits' , and its main principle is that one must reject excess in everything. Harmony and health are possible only when everything in life is enjoyed at the proper moment in the proper amount.

Daily and seasonal routines try to ensure that the body's needs are satisfied no matter where the mind may roam , since most people are unable to develop the perception necessary to know what is happening within their bodies. Neither activity nor rest should be excessive , the body requires moderation in all things. A healthy routine establishes moderation and order in both body and mind , helping you to flow in the direction most appropriate for you.



Guidelines for maintaining Good Health

  1. Daily Routine
  2. + Awaken before sunrise
    + Evacuate bowels and bladder after awakening
    + Bathe every day to create a sense of bodily freshness
    + Exercise (preferably Yoga) and meditate
    + Wash hands before and after eating
    + Brush teeth after meals
    + Fast one day a week to help reduce toxins from the body
    + Sleep before 10 PM

  3. Diet and digestion
  4. + Food should be fresh, warm, tasty and easy to digest.
    + Eating should not be too rushed or too slow. Chew your food nicely.
    + Do not eat while watching TV or while reading .
    + Eat in peaceful and pleasant surroundings.
    + Do not drink water one hour before or after meals . You can have it in small quantities with meals.
    + There should be at least four hours difference between two meals .
    + Do not take too many items in one meal. The items taken should also not be contradicting one another.
    For example yogurt and milk or ice cream and hot coffee.
    + Fruits should not be mixed with meals. Either take a separate meal of fruits or eat between two meals.
    + If you feel tired or heaviness in the stomach after eating , this is improper eating. Eat according to your digestive power.
    + One teaspoon of grated fresh ginger with a pinch of salt is a good appetizer
    + A glass of warm milk with ginger at bedtime is nourishing and calms the mind
    + Exess intake of cold drinks reduces resistance and creates excess mucus
    + Taking a nap after lunch will increase kapha and body weight

  5. Physical Hygiene
  6. + Oil massage promotes circulation and relieves excess vata.
    + If possible gaze at the rays of the sun at dawn for five minutes daily to improve eyesight.
    + Gazing at a steady flame , morning and evening for ten minutes , improves eyesight.
    + Do not repress the natural urges of the body , i.e. defecation, urination, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching and passing gas
    + Bad breath may indicate constipation , poor digestion, unhygienic mouth and toxins in the colon.
    + Body odor indicates toxins in the system.
    + Rubbing the soles of the feet with sesame oil before bedtime produces a calm, deep sleep.
    + Reading in bed will injure the eyesight.
    + Application of oil to the head calms the mind and induces sound sleep.
    + Dry hair immediately after washing to prevent sinus problems.
    + Cracking the joints is injurious to the body.
    + Avoid physical exertion , such as yoga or running during menstruation.

  7. Mental Hygiene

+ Fear and nervousness dissipate energy and aggravate Vata.
+ Possessiveness , greed and attachment increase Kapha.
+ Worry weakens the heart.
+ Hate and anger create toxins in the body and aggrevate Pitta.
+ Exessice Talking dissipates energy and aggravates Vata .

Even after strictly following the above mentioned precautions it is natural that some toxins accumulate in the body as a result of various metabolic activities. It is necessary to eliminate these toxins from the body, which the body is doing to a great extent. But some toxins still remain in the body and are causing many diseases when their quantity increases beyond a certain limit. To maintain proper functioning of different body systems and to stay healthy a regular elimination of these toxins is required. Ayurveda gives an elimination therapy called Pancha Karma.

Another important factor for maintaining good health and staying active even in the old age is called rejuvenation therapy. So a healthy person should take rejuvenating preparations to maintain good health and stay young. There are many such Ayurvedic preparations available which can be taken according to season and your personal constitution.

Good social conduct, morality, good manners and good character are some other factors which are necessary to stay away from diseases. Thus Ayurveda approaches the complete individual while giving instructions about maintaining the health.

Diseases and Cures

According to Ayurveda the body comprises of three primary life forces or humors. In Ayurvedic terminology they are called doshas. The state of balance or equilibrium between these three doshas in the body is called health and the state of imbalance or disequilibrium is disease. The imbalance may be in one, two or all the three doshas. For example excess of vata causes arthritis and excess of pitta causes acidity, ulcer and liver disorders.

All causative factors of disease internal or external directly or indirectly create an imbalance in these doshas first and only then do the symptoms of the disease manifest. The causative factors can be the food, life style or other activities. All these factors are affecting one , two or all the three doshas.

So if you want to stay healthy, you must know what are these factors which create an imbalance of doshas. As said earlier these factors could be your diet, life style or daily activities. You will soon discover that majority of foods and activities we practise in the modern world are increasing one or more doshas. They are discussed briefly as below.

Diseases and Cures

Factors responsible for increasing vata:

  • Eating too much bitter, astringent and pungent tasted foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, beans, dry fruits, mushrooms and raw foods.
  • Too much traveling by any means of transportation.
  • Staying awake till late night or not sleeping at all.
  • Eating of junk food, frozen foods and food that has been micro-waved.
  • Excessive exposure to high noise level or high sounds.
  • Watching too much television and over exposure to computers or any other kind of electric gadgets from strong waves are emitted.
  • Indulging in too much sexual activities.
  • Excessive imagination, overworking or too much sports.
  • Taking too much medicinal, recreatonal and stimulating drugs.
  • Suppression of natural urges like urination, defecation, sneezing, cough, tears etc..
  • Emotions like fear and grief.

Aggravation of vata weakens the nervous system. Other symptoms caused by excess of vata in the body are joint pains, constipation, dry skin, loss of memory, palpitation, insomnia, stiffness of muscles, weight loss, loss of strength, migraine, vertigo, tremors, grief and fear etc.,

Factors responsible for increasing Pitta

  • Drinking too much tea, coffee, alcohol.
  • Exessive smoking.
  • Eating salty, sour, hot and spicy food, eating too much chillis, tomatos, egg plant or onions.
  • Too much exposure to heat and sun.
  • Anger.

Some of the symptoms caused by excess of Pitta in the body are hyperacidity , skin diseases, burning sensation, fever, infections, ulcers, liver disorders, malfunction of sense organs, fatigue, loss of taste and sleep disturbances.

Factors responsible for increasing Kapha

  • Eating sweet, salty and sour tastes in excess, fats, oily and fried foods , ice creams, mears, dairy products, and nuts.
  • Too much sleep, specially during day time.
  • Not doing much physical activity.

Some of the symptoms caused by excess Kapha in the body are asthma, cold, congestion in the chest, anorexia and obesity.

Thus we can relate every aspect of our life with these three doshas. If we have proper knowledge, we can maintain a balance of these three doshas and avoid many serious problems and can thus stay healthy. The treatment according to Ayurveda is to balance the tridosha. While making a diagnosis the Ayurvedic physician finds out which dosha is out of balance and tries to make the balance by prescribing some natural medicines, diet and life style.

The basic principles of Ayurvedic Treatment

The essence of treatment is the removal of the cause and avoidance of causative factors.Ayurvedic treatment does not mean suppressing the main symptoms and creating some new ones as side effects of the main treatment. It is to remove the root cause and give permanent relief. The medicines for the treatment mainly comprises of powders, tablets, decoctions, medicated oils etc. prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals. Because the medicines are from natural sources and not synthetic, they are accepted and assimilated in the body without creating any side effects and on the other hand, there may be some side benefits.

The famous ayurvedic physician Charaka identifies four factors that are essential for successful medical treatment : The Physician, the remedy , the nurse and the patient.The physician should be an expert in theory and in practice, skilful, and pure in body and mind.Easy availability, appropriateness, utility in a variety of forms and high quality characterize the optimal remedy. The best nurse is knowledgeable , skilful , sympathetic and pure.The ideal patient is courageous, able to describe what he or she is feeling , and remembers all the physician's instructions and follows them carefully; all these qualities help the patient get well more easily.

Along with medicine, proper diet and living style is also advised. This is equally important. If we are taking a medicine to remove the root cause and at the same time we are taking some food or following a life style which is increasing the cause of disease, then we may not get well or will be getting less relief. Panch Karma therapy is also used as a treatment in many diseases.

Most of us have many levels of toxins accumulated over a lifetime of indiscretions, all of which cannot be released at once otherwise they will overhelm the excretory organs and ravage the mind.Your mind and body have become habituated to these poisons, which have become part of your equilibrium equation . Removing them all at once would seriously imbalance your physical body and confuse your mind so that you no longer felt like 'yourself' .Purifying the system is a long, slow process, requiring many cycles to expunge the many layers of dirt.You must be patient with the process and with the newly developing you, just as you would be patient with a slowly growing tree.
When you backslide and return temporarily to your old unhealthy ways , you must learn to always pick yourself up, like a child learning to walk , and begin again.

The basic principles of Ayurvedic treatment are immutable : how they are applied differs from case to case.
"Treatment is rooted in measure" : the effect of any particular therapy on any particular patient depends on its dosage, which again depends upon the climate, the doshas involved , the strength of the patient versus the strength of the disease, the patients age and constitution , the specific syndrome, the patients social environment , the goal of treatment and so on. Time cycled, including 'disease time' and the joints of seasons, are especially important , because the doshas are controlled differently at different times, depending upon both external time and the disease's momentum within the microcosm.
Treatment is totally individualized, and so different diseases may sometimes share a single therapy, while a single disease may be treated differently in different patients according to the measure of the facors involved.

Thus we find that the methods of treatment are based on simple and natural principles. To conclude we can say that, Ayurveda teaches a very systematic and scientific way of life which is important to pursue both materially and spiritually. Fundamental principles, health rules, knowledge of individual constitution of our body, use of various herbs, minerals and specially Panch Karma therapy can be very safely used by one and all, all over the world to, promote good health, prevent diseases and acquire longevity.

Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life.

Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society. The two most important aims of Ayurveda are:
+ To maintain the health of healthy people
+ To cure the diseases of sick people

A Person is seen in Ayurveda as a unique individual made up of five primary elements.
These elements are ether (space), air, fire,water and earth.
Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of these elements are imbalanced in the environment , they will in turn have an influence on us. The foods we eat and the weather are just two examples of the influence of these elements . While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine to create various physiological functions.
The elements combine with Ether and Air in dominence to form what is known in Ayurveda as Vata Dosha. Vata governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration and elemination etc.,
The elements with Fire and Water in dominence combine to form the Pitta Dosha . The Pitta Dosha is responsible for the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is an example of a Pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.
Finally, it is predominantly the water and earth elements which combine to form the Kapha Dosha. Kapha is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. It also offers protection , for example, in form of the cerebral-spinal fluid,which protects the brain and spinal column. The mucousal lining of the stomach is another example of the function of Kapha Dosha protecting the tissues.

We are all made up of unique proportions of Vata,Pitta and Kapha. These ratios of the Doshas vary in each individual and because of this Ayurveda sees each person as a special mixture that accounts for our diversity.
Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique makeup of the three doshas and to thereby design treatment protocols that specifically address a persons health challenges. When any of the doshas become accumulated, Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive. Also herbal medicines will be suggested , to cure the imbalance and the disease.
Understanding this main principle of Ayurveda , it offers us an explanation as to why one person responds differently to a treatment or diet than another and why persons with the same disease might yet require different treatments and medications.


Other important basic principles of Ayurveda which are briefly mentioned here are:
  1. Dhatus- These are the basic tissues which maintain and nourish the body. They are seven in number namely- rasa(chyle), raktha(blood), mamsa(muscles),meda(fatty tissue), asthi(bone), majja(marrow) and sukla(reprodutive tissue). Proper amount of each dhatu and their balanced function is very important for good health.
  2. Mala- These are the waste materials produced as a result of various metabolic activities in the body. They are mainly urine, feaces, sweat etc. Proper elimination of the malas is equally important for good health. Accumulation of malas causes many diseases in the body.
  3. Srotas- These are different types of channels which are responsible for transportation of food, dhatus, malas and doshas. Proper functioning of srotas is necessary for transporting different materials to the site of their requirement. Blockage of srotas causes many diseases.
  4. Agni- These are different types of enzymes responsible for digestion and transforming one material to another.

All these factors should function in a proper balance for good health. They are inter-related and are directly or indirectly responsible for maintaining equilibrium of the tridoshas.

Balance and Harmony of the Three Doshas
When the three Doshas are well harmonised and function in a balanced manner, it results in good nourishment and well-being of the individual . But when there is imbalance or disharmony within or between them, it will result in elemental imbalance , leading to various kinds of ailments.
The Ayurvedic concept of physical health revolves round these three Doshas and its primary purpose is to help maintain them in a balanced state and thus to prevent disease.This humoral theory is not unique to the ancient Indian Medicine : The Yin and Yang theory in chinese medicine and the Hippocratic theory of four humours in Greek medicine are also very similar.

The Qualities of the Three Doshas
The three Doshas possess qualities and their increase or decrease in the system depends upon the similar or antagonistic qualities of everything ingested.

Vata is : dry, cold, light, mobile, clear, rough, subtle
Pitta is : slightly oily, hot, intense, light, fluid,free flowing, foul smelling.
Kapha is: oily, cold, heavy, stable, viscid, smooth, soft

Both Vata and Pitta are light and only Kapha is heavy.
Both Vata and Kapha are cold and only Pitta is hot.
Both Pitta and Kapha are moist and oily and only Vata is dry.

Anything dry almost always increases Vata , anything hot increases Pitta and anything heavy , Kapha.
Puffed rice is dry, cold light and rough - overindulgence in puffed rice therefore is likely to increase Vata in the overindulger.
Mustard oil is oily , hot , intense , fluid , strong-smelling and liquid and increases Pitta in the consumer.
Yoghurt , which , being creamy, cold, heavy, viscid, smooth and soft , is the very image of Kapha , adds to the body's Kapha when eaten.
All Five elemets , as expressed through Vata, Pitta and Kapha , are essential to life, working together to create health or produce disease. No one dosha can produce or sustain life - all three must work together , each in its own way.


The roots of ayurveda

patra Ayurveda,the oldest system of medicine in the world, traces its roots to the Vedic period in ancient India. The Vedas contain practical and scientific information on various subjects beneficial to the humanity like health, philosophy, engineering, astrology etc.

Vedic Brahmans were not only priests performing religious rites and ceremonies, they also became the Vaidyas (Ayurvedic Physicians). The Sage- Physician- Surgeons of that time were the same sages or seers, deeply devoted holy people , who saw health as an integral part of spiritual life. It is said, that they received their training of Ayurveda through direct cognition during meditation. In other words, the knowledge of the use of various methods of healing, prevention, longevity and surgery came through Divine revelation . These revelations were transcribed from the oral tradition into book form, interspersed with the other aspects of life.

Consequently Ayurveda grew into a respected and widely used system of healing in India.
Around CA.1500 Before.Common era. Ayurveda was delineated into eight specific branches of medicine and there were two main schools - Atreya, the school of physicians, and Dhanvantari , the school of surgeons.
These two schools made Ayurveda a more scientifically verifiable and classifiable medical system.

People from numerous countries came to Indian Ayurvedic schools to learn this medical science.
They came from China, Tibet, Greece, Rome, Egypt ,Afghanistan, Persia etc. to learn the complete wisdom and bring it back to their own countries. Ayurvedic texts were translated in Arabic and physicians such as Avicenna and Razi Sempion, who both quoted Ayurvedic texts , established Islamic Medicine.
This medicine became popular in Europe and helped to form the foundation of the European tradition in medicine.
In the 16th Century Europe , Paracelsus , who is known as the father of modern Western medicine, practiced and propagated a system of medicine which borrowed heavily from Ayurveda..

The main authentic texts of Ayurveda in its early History are:

patra Rig Veda CA.3000 Years Before.Common era. : Verses on the nature of existence , on nature of health and disease, pathogenesis and principles of treatment. Among the Rig-Veda are found discussions of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the use of herbs to heal the diseases of the mind and body and to foster longevity.
Atharva Veda CA.800
Years Before.Common era. : Lists the eight divisions of Ayurveda - Internal Medicine, Surgery of Head and Neck,Opthalmology and Otorinolaryngology, Toxicology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Gerontology or Science of Rejuvenation and Science of Fertility
Charaka Samhita CA.600
Years Before.Common era.: A major work on internal medicine , written by the physician Agnivesa, modified by charaka
Sushrutha Samhita CA.500
Years Before.Common era. : Sushrutha , a surgeon who developed the operative techniques of rhinoplasty (plastic surgery), wrote the Sushrutha Samhita which describes a highly developed surgery.
Samhitas of Vagbhata CA.600
Years A.D. : This text deals with all aspects of life, health, disease and treatment.

It is because these texts contain the original and comlete knowledge of life, Ayurveda is known today as the only complete medical system still in existence.

Ageing and Rejuvenation

" 'Oh' those desirous of a healthy long life! Listen to us explaining the method of rejuvenation treatment which is like another nectar, having incomprehensible miraculous effects, promoting life span, providing health, sustaining youthfulness, relieving sleepiness, drowsiness, exertion, exhaustion, lassitude and debility, restoring equilibrium of the doshas, bringing stability, alleviating laxity of muscles, kindling the internal fire and producing of excellent lustre, complexion and voice". ( Ref :Charaka Samhitha)

Objectives of life

Dharma: - One's duty unto oneself, to the family, society, nation i.e. one's duty unto humanity.

Artha: - Reaping of the benefits of duty.

Kama: - Satisfaction of desires.

Moksha: - Attainment of salvation.

A healthy long life is essential for the achievement of these four fold objectives. Ayurvedic principles are meant for those who want to live a healthy long life. The qualitative and quantitative balance of the seven basic tissues (dhathus) is essential for maintaining the body in a healthy condition. In our life span we need to consider the following three stages :

1. Up to the 16 year: - The time of maximum nourishment, In which the nourishment of the dhathus take place.

2. Between 16 - 70year: - The generative and degenerative process balance each other in this period.

3. After 70 year: - The period of aging. The degenerative process overrides the generative process.

Presently the modern life with its faster pace, departure from nature's rhythm and nutritional living initiates the aging process at a much more earlier age itself.

The following are the main causes of aging / premature aging:

1. Excessive use of food & drinks which have sour, salty and spicy tastes.

2. Intake of alkalies. (Certain preservatives, baking soda etc.)

3. Consumption of old food (tinned canned foods).

4. Over intake of oil fried food.

5. Excessive intake of non- vegetarian food.

6. Incompatible / antagonistic food.

7. Untimely eating schedule.

8. Over eating.

9. Intake of food when suffering from indigestion.

10. Sleep during the daytime.

11. Excess consumption of alchohol and over indulgence in vices.

12. Over exertion.

13. Negetive emotions like greediness, passion, fear, anger, grief etc..

Knowingly or unknowingly most of us are indulging in some of these activities which result in aging even in the young or middle ages, with the following symptoms :

The person is subdued with malaise, depression, sleep, drowsiness, lassitude, lack of enthusiasm, dyspnoea, incompetence in physical and mental activities, loss of memory, intellect and lustre, and gradually becomes resort to illnesses and does not enjoy the normal life span.

The Principles of Rejuvenation Therapy.

Briefly it is the treatment for the nourishment of the body tissues. This therapy slows down the aging process by decreasing the degenerative process. The appropriate time for this therapy is between the age of
16 - 70 yr.

The Merits of the RejuvenationTherapy

The Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana treatment) offers prolonged life span, great memory, intelligence, perfect health, youthfulness, bright complexion and colour, bold voice and magnanimity, physical endurance and strong sense organs, perfection in speech, sexual powers and brilliance all are obtained from the Rejuvenation Therapy . It is the best means of keeping the dhathus (tissues) in peak condition.

Many secret recipes are described in the traditional texts of Ayurveda. These medicines can be implemented in 2 ways.

1. Kuti pravesika vidhi: - This is conducted under strict medical supervision with a strict regimen.

2. Vathathapika vidhi :- This is more suited for the present day life. Regimens are not so strict in this approach and treatment can be taken by anyone at any time.

To assess your health and to rejuvenate yourself using the Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Therapy, contact us through the on - line consultation.